Meet some GEA 2018 YAGs
Whats does sport mean? What does the PLAY project represent for our YAGs?
GEA is starting the second pilot soon and wants to share thoughts from Michele and Hilary, two of the YAGs involved in the first pilot last year.
Michele and Hilary are two incredibly active volunteers of Polisportiva San Precario, a local sport club that participates in the first pilot action developed by the partner GEA in Padua (Italy). Sport for All and Sport for Inclusion are their mottos, perfectly in line with our PLAY project’s aims.
Michele is a basketball coach and he works mainly with young people with a migration background, including refugees and asylum seekers. The PLAY project helped him strengthen some important skills, create a more inclusive environment and try different strategies to make everyone feel part of the game.
Hilary works in a gym, but her passion is communication and organisation of sport for all events. PLAY gave her the chance to improve skills for the organisation of sport events with a social impact, also being actively involved in the preparation of the PLAY international sport camp held in Rosolina Mare last May 2018.
Check out the video interviews here
GEA YAG volunteer Michele
GEA YAG volunteer Hilary