Teaching concentration skills and perseverance

– Teaching concentration and perseverance
– Using music in sport sessions to enhance concentration
– Teaching the main techniques of basketball with the use of Music also helps children to combat discomfort in the context of inclusion
- Working on personal skills without the ball / with ball
- Acquisition of the postural abilities of the body on the playing surface through music
- Improvement of the 4 basketball fundamentals: Passing, Dribbling, Shooting and Fundamental position through the use of music
- Developing emotional and motivational goals of the athlete / team
Shooting exercises
All through the different types of music no more than 2 minutes for each exercise
The evolutionary processes in children through these exercises with the use of musical rhythm can produce:
- Entertainment
- Self-motivation
- Management of physical fatigue
- Improving creativity
- Creation of new exercises to the rhythm of music with the ball
- Freedom of Movement and Discovery of the movement to the rhythm of music
Target athletes: 11/15 years

The equipments necessary for the activity of Basket Music are as follows:
- notebook / MP3 player
- 3 preamplified directional speakers
- cables for boxes, power supply, etc.
- n. 1 wireless radio microphone
- n.1 Software for managing mp3 music tracks (no license)
Choosing music
Definition of the musical genre and attribution of the musical piece for the type of result to be achieved
- the choice of songs is personal – depending on the musical taste of the coach.
- An important element is the knowledge of the group with which you will relate, and depending on the variables expressed by the group of athletes, it is possible to define a playlist but
- it is advisable to understand which objectives you want to achieve in the group of athletes available.
1) high impact music play list to improve the athlete’s coordination skills -> Disco / HipHop
2) motivate the group of athletes to increase self-esteem -> Rock
3) improvement of space / time through the use of passage / dribble -> Pop / Reggaeton
Example sport session