Sport for Families event held in Padova during European…
On 30th September 2018, partner GEA organized a Sport for Families event in Prato della Valle, Padova, within the European Week of Sport, a great opportunity to disseminate information of PLAY.
The event is part of another Erasmus+ Sport project “P.A.RE.N.T.S – Physical Activity, RElations & Networking, within families Through Sport”, that aims at promoting sport, health, solidarity and volunteering for and with the families. In a full day event where all can freely discover various sports and other activities, learn, play and have fun together, GEA hosted an entire area of the square dedicated to sport for families, games sports and information about wellbeing, volunteering and inclusion through sport for children, youth and families, GEA volunteers spreaded and disseminated flyers and information among kids, families, teachers and volunteers about our PLAY project, whose objectives are coherent and relevant with the day.
The event was held within the Fair of Volunteering of Padua’s province organized by CSV (Centro Servizi Volontariato), CSI (Centro Sportivo Italiano) and Padua’s Municipality, with the participation of 15.000 people and the active involvement of more than 250 volunteering associations.