News from P.L.A.Y! partner Fare network
Fare #FootballPeople weeks 2019.
Fare network organised the #FootballPeople weeks 2019 from
The #FootballPeople weeks is the largest campaign for social change and diversity in global football. During the two-week period over 150,000 people in more than 60 countries organises and participated in events and activities to bring about social change. The #FootballPeople weeks are open to everyone regardless of who you are or what your role in football is. Supporters, players, clubs, ethnic minorities, LGBT groups, women’s groups, activists, schools and NGOs all take an active role. #FootballPeople participants are united in their love for the game and the belief that football belongs to everyone and can be used to create positive change. In 2019 Fare awarded over 250 grants to support groups to organise activities. And there was growing support from the professional football world. UEFA continued to show its support for the FootballPeople weeks as they help drive the campaign forward. All 48 UEFA club competition matches played during the FootballPeople weeks including the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Women’s Champions League games were dedicated support of the #FootballPeople weeks.
The P.L.A.Y partnes FIMU and DRPDNM also organised activities during the FootballPeople weeks and the P.L.A.Y! final conference was organised during this period. You can read more about this in the rest of the newsletter

Photo copy right Q-Sports Romania